Health & Wellness Program

Activities, partnerships, classes, and special events combatting isolation and promoting brain health. 

Michael Bennett, Program Manager

The National Institute on Aging says, “Many factors influence healthy aging. Some of these, such as genetics, are not in our control. Others — like exercise, a healthy diet, going to the doctor regularly, and caring for our mental health — are within our reach.” The Bayview Senior Services Health & Wellness team implements programs, activities, and events intended to enhance the overall well-being of senior and disabled community members. 

Upcoming Events

A partial list of programs and activities includes:

· Health screens (COVID, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Glucose Prostate) 

· Flu & COVID vaccines 

· Brain Health Information Series

· Tai Chi

· Chair Yoga 

· Strength Training

· Bowling 

· Nature walks

· Line Dance

A partial list of partners includes:

  • San Francisco Department on Aging

  • Umoja Health

  • UCSF

  • Bay Area Black Nurses

  • San Francisco State University Nursing Program

  • S.F. Department of Public Health

  • Metta Fund

Community Partnerships

We collaborate with several organizations equally dedicated to promoting healthy lifestyles for older adults

District-10 Empowerment Market

The District-10 Empowerment Market operation is rooted in the belief that “Food justice sees the lack of healthy food in poor communities as a human rights issue…”(Food First)and implemented in a manner consistent with our agency motto of “Dignity, Honor, and Respect.”  

The Market distributes donated or discounted food and other supplies related to cooking and dining from commercial grocery retailers, suppliers, food banks, and other sources to people who, because of their age, underlying health conditions, or other factors, would have difficulty accessing the Market and its programs; The Market provides referrals to government and community social services addressing food security, nutrition, and related issues